
The abbreviation "ADHD" stands for "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder".


It is a psychic and behavioral disorder that affects mainly children, but can persist into adulthood.


ADHD is one of the most common psychic illnesses in childhood and adolescence nowadays.


ADHD is characterised primarily by the symptoms: inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity - the child concerned is inattentive and impulsive in behavior and shows with or without significant hyperactivity, which does not correspond to the age and level of development and leads to a deterioration in several areas such as school, interaction with other, leisure, home etc.


Core symptoms of inattention are e.g. difficulties in maintaining attention for a long time, paying attention to details and following instructions and being easily distracted by external stimuli, the difficulty of completing tasks and activities, and the like.


The hyperactivity manifests itself, for example, through difficulties in sitting or playing quietly, or by a constant restlessness of hands and feet.

The impulsiveness is noticeable in the inability to listen and wait until it is time to talk, to talk at inappropriate moments or disturb others through oneself behaviour.


ADHD is very individual for each child. The symptom vary from child to child.

While some children z. B. are predominantly inattentive, others are predominantly impulsive-hyperactive. Often there is a change in the symptoms with increasing age.


The diagnosis is made very carefully; In order for the disorder to be diagnosed, the signs of disease must first appear at a certain age and other criteria must be met, and it is also important to exclude other diseases that can cause similar symptoms.

For the position of the diagnosis in adults own criteria apply.


The therapy is always created individually and is based on several complementary pillars (psychotherapy/behavioral therapy, psycho- education, parents therapy and support, involvement of family and social environment (kindergarden, school, etc.), exercises to improve concentration, play therapy, exercise, dietary measures, drug therapy, etc.). The success and necessity of the therapy are checked regularly, if necessary the treatment is adjusted according to the individual needs and situation.


With appropriate therapy tailored to the individual situation, ADHD can be treated well in many cases.

In some of the patients, the disorder/individual symptoms persist into adulthood, which can lead to limitations and problems in different areas of life (eg job, partnership).


As a physician and psychotherapist, I support children and adults who are affected by ADHD individually and comprehensively from initial consultation about the diagnosis to therapy, so that that sufferers learn best with the situation and deal with it attendant challenges.


The goal is that they get control step by step over their illness, not to be overwhelmed by it and make the most out of their resources and abilities.


If you have any questions, I am happy to be there for you personally either by phone, Skype or email.